Remove .srt file from movie using ffmpeg command
Remove .srt file from movie using ffmpeg command

remove .srt file from movie using ffmpeg command

There are a num­ber of appli­ca­tions and online ser­vices that can strip html tags from sub­ti­tles (like HTML Stripper), but you can also solve this quick­ly with good old sed: ffmpeg -i input_file -map 0:3 Removing HTML from subtitles This is the val­ue we want to pass over to the map com­mand to select the prop­er subtitle. Notice the tracks are num­bered #0:2, #0:3, etc. Stream #0:3(chi): Subtitle: hdmv_pgs_subtitle Stream #0:3(eng): Subtitle: hdmv_pgs_subtitle Stream #0:2(eng): Subtitle: subrip (default) You will get an out­put that some­thing like this: What if we want to get a dif­fer­ent sub­ti­tle? First we need to fig­ure out the track num­ber for that sub­ti­tle by run­ning ffm­peg ‑i input_file.

remove .srt file from movie using ffmpeg command

This com­mand will grab the default sub­ti­tle track and export it as a srt file: Let’s take a look at one of the less­er-known (and kin­da unex­pect­ed) features.įFmpeg can eas­i­ly extract embed­ded sub­ti­tles from videos. I have also tried to completely disable metadata and chapters in the resulting output but that still produces the same error.FFMpeg is the swiss army knife of video edi­tors and motion artists world­wide. Here is a link to the detailed verbose output from running the command. I have tested with the simplified command-line shown in the comments but I still get the same error. Using ffmpeg -i video.mp4, I can see that there is two subtitle tracks embedded in the video : Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'video.mp4': Using ffmpeg -codecs, I can confirm that ffmpeg should be able to encode subrip subtitles. However, I get the following error, which lends me to question whether this is feasible at all:Įrror while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters MP4 video should look like so: ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vn -an -codec:s:0 srt I have checked the FFMpeg documentation and many forums and figured out the correct command-line to extract subtitles from an.

Remove .srt file from movie using ffmpeg command